Library Services

We offer a range of services which are available to our patrons.

Patron Computers

Computers are available to patrons with a library card.


Patrons can enjoy free WIFI while in the library.


Color or Black & White copies/prints available.

Outgoing Fax services available.

Axis 360 give you access to our online library of eBooks and eAudio Books. Obtain a library card, download the mobile app “Axis 360” to your phone, eReader, or other mobile device and begin to check out eBooks/eAudio books from our growing collection. Or simply click on the link above to get started.

POWER is an acronym for Pennsylvania Online World of Electronic Resources.  It is offered as a service of Pennsylvania’s public libraries, school libraries and the State Library.

It is a unique online portal that connects libraries across PA and provides 24/7 access to thousands of full text periodical articles, newspapers, a major encyclopedia, plus photographs, pictures, charts, maps, reference materials for young people and more. You will find materials of interest in most subject areas for all age groups from young children to adults.

You need a Tamaqua Public Library card to use POWER. 

To begin, you must first locate your five-digit library card number.  The number is embossed on the back of the plastic card. If your card was replaced, it will be located on a sticker applied to the front of the card.

Your POWER login is created by connecting PL3199 with your 5-digit number. 

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